Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring is in the air. Time to get out there!

Hello folks! The time has come for Ben and I to get out there and work our booties off getting all of the seeds and plants in the soil. We would absolutely love it if any of y'all in the area would like to stop by and help us get some planting and transplanting work done. Planting and transplanting is much more fun in groups. The more folks that come out, the less work we all need to do. While we would be ecstatic if you wanted to dedicate a lot of your day to helping us get our produce in the ground, even just 30 minutes of your time would be extremely helpful. Right now it's time for us to get onions in the ground. Absolutely as soon as possible! We will be planting onions Monday, March 7th through Saturday, the 12th (we have market on Saturday, so we'll be starting late that day). We'll also be seeding tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and slicing cucumbers.

The next thing we'll need to do is get our seed potatoes in the ground (they haven't shipped yet, but they will be here before we know it). We'll be planting a crazy variety of taters, including French fingerlings, blue, red, yellow, and white varieties. Many of you have told us you would like more onions and potatoes this year. Well, we're on it! We'll begin planting potatoes the first day of Spring (Sunday, March 20th) and we plan to be wrapping it up on Wednesday, the 23rd). 

If you plan on coming out, you may certainly just drop by (1000 McLemore Road Clayton, NC 27520), but we do sometimes leave the farm, so it's probably best to call us or email us first. Ben's phone number is 919-800-8898.Our email address is If you give us enough notice, we'll feed you. Heck, even if you don't give us notice, we can probably find something tasty for you to nosh on. I mean, we're growing food, right?

So, just in case you're not sold on this whole coming out to the farm to help us do manual labor thing, I'm going to try to pitch this thing.
  1. Spring is in the air! It feels great to be outside after a whole winter long of being inside. It's time to get outside in the spring sunshine and get to moving. 
  2. We'll get to hang out. Learn some things from each other, exercising our brains and our bodies. It's win-win. 
  3. I sincerely think working together with people has an intrinsic value that I can't explain - but it's mutually beneficial and it's pretty great. And we are obviously invested in the idea of getting help to put our produce in the soil. And so many of you help already...
Come out if you want  to and can. We appreciate the support systems we are a part of. If you're reading this, you're probably one of so many people in whose lives we now share in some way or another. Thank you for everything you do (and we hope you feel the same about us too). If you can't make it out to the farm for the beginning of Spring, we hope to see you at market or in April out at the farm. Enjoy the renewal and rejuvenation of Spring! And thanks for stopping by.   

The brief version:
  • March 7th through March 12th we'll be planting onions. We'll also be seeding tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and slicing cukes. 
  • March 20th (the first day of Spring!) through March 23rd we'll be planting potatoes.
  • Call us or email us if you know when you might stop by. 
  • We'll feed you. 
  • We appreciate you. 

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